
Thursday, 9 December 2021

Test review

Kia ora today we had to review on our writing test from term 1 and our term 4 test these are all the stuff that i need to work on

For punctuation I need to 

Use commas to show clauses (different parts of a sentence).

I need to add punctuation to create mood and show greater detail to hook my readers in.

For my vocab I need to

Use words and phrases that grab the reader’s attention and interest.

For my organisation I need to

Link together sentences that match what is happening in my writing.

Make headings vivid and noticeable for the reader.

For my sentence I need to

Hook the reader in by thinking carefully about the way I use my sentences.

For structure I need to

Try to match all parts of of my writing to the text type.

For my ideas I need to

Make my ideas original, so the reader can connect with them.

Add extra information, detail or facts that explain my thinking (elaboration)

For my O.R.E.O I have done my first opinion i have put in my reason, I failed at putting my evidence into my writing and I have failed to put in my second opinion

Tuesday, 7 December 2021


 Kia ora today in cooking we made truffles they had coconut, coco powder, butter, icing sugar, dried apricots and crushed wine biscuits. we creamed the butter then added the icing sugar  we mixed the dry ingredients together and the added the butter and icing sugar together and then made it into small balls then left them in the fridge to set then we ate them and they were crunchy.

 Coconut Chocolate Truffles - Veena Azmanov

The Hatched plan (creative story)

Kia ora today we had to write a story about a picture it was a snowy night and we had to make a story out of it. Here is what I wrote let me know what you think.

A pitch black sky with trees that reach the sky almost touching the stars with snow gliding onto the trees. The dark trees stretch over to the other side of the house with snow already covering the branches. The white fluffy snow covering the grass and shining from the light of the warm fire on the inside of the house. Little Timmy asleep in the second floor of the house waiting for footsteps on his roof.

Suddenly little Timmy heard thumping footsteps just above him quickly he jumped up in his dark blue pyjamas. There were no more footsteps on the roof Santa knew that he was awake and rushed away before he could be seen. Little Timmy set up a trap to catch Santa he put out trip wire attached to a bell. He fell a sleep and then he heard the bell ring he ran down stairs but he only seen his cat.

Timmy looked to his left and seen Santa staring at him with a angry look. Then he took out his long list found Timmy's name and put him onto the naughty list. Timmy ran back up stairs crying himself back to sleep. He had a bad dream that he stayed on the naughty list and never got off of the naughty list.

Then he woke up and looked down stairs under the tree and there were presents reaching up to the roof. He questioned why there were presents when he seen Santa write his name on the other list. Then he realised he might have put Timmy onto the good list. That made Timmy think what did he do that made him on the naughty list?

Monday, 6 December 2021

Fun run

Kia ora today we had to choose different topics I choose to talk about the fun run. The fun run was fun I wore a white shirt so it got really colourful. The first time that we ran around we didn't get any colour or wet but then we ran around again and we got colour and wet there was some tarp. We could slide on the tarp I slid all the water splashed up beside me and got my teacher wet. Then we went over a bouncy castle on the second time that we went around people were hiding in the bouncy castle. when the year sevens were running people had some water bottles and started to do a water fight but then when people were filling up there water bottles but Whaea Jude stopped people from doing water fights.

The Color Run in New Zealand

Monday, 29 November 2021


Today in sport science we were working on our balance these are things about balance.

What is a human balance system?

Some type of fluid inside your ear is your balance system 

What are some techniques you can do to improve your balance?

You can have your eyes closed and stand on one foot, you can stand there with your arms straight out in front of you or you can stand there with your eyes closed.

why do people feel dizzy after spinning around?

Because the fluid inside of your ear is still moving.

Monday, 8 November 2021

100 word challenge

Kia ora today we had to do a 100 word challenge here is what I wrote.

Today we are going to the water park. Everyone likes going to the water park because of the massive water slide. But I am not here to tell you about the water slide. I am here to tell you about the terrible incident. It was just like a normal day and the water park we were having fun and boom just like that it turned to the worst day ever. They turned the wave pool on and the waves were definitely unsafe. They were way taller than me so when I was in the pool they pushed me under and I nearly drowned.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

meaning match

kia ora today we had to match the words to the definition these are the words in sentences.

He had found their idea of liberty to be anarchy.

It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.

Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.

She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might like to do in the future, but nothing definite.

The criminal trial system would be placed in jeopardy.

5 second rule vape project

In Health we were set a task that required us to work together and communicate with people. we got a question from Miss Aiken we got when did vaping become a big thing in NZ? Our questions were about what is in vaping.The topic that I chose was vaping. Firstly we had to pick our group the decide what we wanted to do in order to teach people about vaping and our chosen question. My group chose to recreate the 5 second rule but it didn't work out how we wanted it to. The first thing that we did was make the questions and made the game board. from there we made our rules and we got people to play it. we did this to teach others about vaping. It was challenge when the game did not work out but we compromised. Next time i will make sure we make sure our game works out.

house plan project

Kia ora for this whole term we have been studying ohm's law for most of it we made a house plan. Our aim was to learn about ohm’s law. We also learnt voltage, current and resistance. First we had to make our house plan then we made our circuit and tested it out and added it together. Then in math we added the area. Current is a flow of electricity which results from the ordered directional movement of electrically charged particles. Voltage is an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts. Resistance means the refusal to accept or comply with something. I did enjoy the project. It was fun doing the current and the voltage and also figuring out the area. I would make my work neater. I  made my house with seven bulbs, maybe challenging myself to use less.


Friday, 29 October 2021


Kia ora today we had to re write sentences that had bad spelling and bad punctuation.
TIRED!!! Physical therapy in the morning. Im done for the day. As soon as Madison is
home from girl scouts hopping I can sleep!

Me an my boo at the movie too cute.

You look so happy! Great picture.

You should of call me if you need something.

Im single and im gonna love it, me and Fred are getting divorced he is still putting a restraining order on
me, he needs help.

Thank you everyone I'll be ok.

Working hard trying to stack that paper. Money status all day baby. I'm a young entrepreneur trying
make me sum money.

Yea some times I think I should get up earlier. Then I roll over in my bed and
think yeah, better not.

New phone inbox for the number.

I can't do this anymore, I can't take it!

Seems too stupid to be real. Sceptical.

Oh my god Ryan just pooped and peed on the potty.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Financial literacy

 Today we had to make a D.L.O about financial literacy and what you need to start a business hope you like it. 

Thursday, 30 September 2021

currant circuits

Today we had to make a circuit with a app called phet i used a battery a light bulb a wire and then i used a resistor. 

battery: a battery carries voltage and passes the voltage through.

light bulb: a bulb takes the voltage to light up

wire: a wire helps pass electrons through to their destination 

resistor: a resistor slows down the electrons so that they dont go to fast  

in series all components of a circuit are in one loop

the series circuit has the same brightness for the bulb.

the parallel circuit   has different brightness. 

Friday, 24 September 2021

This weeks reflection

Kia ora today we had to write a reflection on this week here is what i have written.

I showed commitment buy contributing to class conversations, I showed achievement trying my personal best in Maori, I showed respect by listening to the relief teacher when they were talking, I showed resilience by always being where I needed to be and to be on what I needed to be on. Every wednesday for the first two periods we have been doing arts kete there has been stone carving, out door games, cross stitch, music production, performing arts and fence stitching. I am doing cross stitch I would rather do stone carving but it is what it is. In cross stitch we were going to make a picture that we picked but because of covid we are just doing the first letter of our name. When we had a reliever in my opinion I was good because I ended up getting a full carr card. Next week I would like to set a goal to finish all my work.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Tongan language week

 kia ora today i had to publish tongan language week slides here is what i did 

Thursday, 16 September 2021

The Cay ch (12-13)

 Today I had to answer questions about chapter 12 and 13 on the cay. here is what the questions are and what i answered them with.  

  1. How many days have Phillip and Timothy been on the cay?  Phillip and timothy were on the cay for 48 days so far

  2. What does Phillip do to help Timothy when he is sick? Phillip put a wet cloth on Timothy forehead

  3. Explain why Phillip is ready to climb the coconut tree. Because he did not want to let Timothy down

  4. Why do you think Timothy is trying to teach Phillip these survival skills? because he is at an old age and he has been sick before

  5. What do you think Phillip means by his comment, “are you still Black”? because he saw black people as bad ugly people now he sees them as kind helpful caring.

cows eye dissection

 yesterday we had to do an eye dissection i was the only person in my group that did the eye dissection because one of the people had to leave right before we started and the other person didn't want to do the dissection. first we had to cut off the fat then we had to try to put pressure on to the eye and get into the eye but we were scared to go into the eye because boys beside us had the humour spray onto them we ended up getting the teacher to get into the eye for us the we had to cut the colour out and then some liquid came out and it also had some black stuff in it. when we got the colour off there was this slimy stuff that looked like snot. i liked when the dissection was over because i was playing with humour i was running it down my hands. i did not know that our eye has that much different stuff inside of it.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021


kia ora to day we had to write a paragraph about this music that we had to listen to that my teacher put on some slides. please leave feedback.

I feel calm and relaxed. when I Hear this song I feel like i see Hula dancers doing a performance In Hawaii , I also feel like I am around the beach with people playing relaxing music for us all to relax to and so that we can have fun. I would be able to see people running around and people swimming. I Also think I would feel relaxed so that I can fall asleep.

pontoon bridges

Kia ora today we had to answer these questions about pontoon bridges.

Why were the pontoon bridges made?

An early pontoon bridge was constructed in 480 bce by Persian engineers to transport Xerxes' invading army across the Hellespont (Dardanelles). ... Because they obstruct navigation, floating bridges are limited in nonmilitary applications, yet several long-span floating bridges have been built in modern times.

How are they built?

Pontoons were formed by simply lashing several barrels together, by rafts of timbers, or by using boats. Each bridge section consisted of one or more pontoons, which were manoeuvred into position and then anchored underwater or on land.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

NZ Prejudice

kia ora today we had to write what we learnt this is what i learnt.

Some of the things that we learnt about was a girls writing about the mosque shooting in 2019 the Asian Hate and Lgbtq+ (Homaphobic) Hate and the Dawn Raids 

Something I learnt was that A lot of people hate for No reason. 

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

pita pocket

 On Friday in home economics we had to make a pita pocket each i had three people in my group i had Zac and Wiremu in my pita pocket i had lettuce, carrot, cheese, ham and capsicum. For sauce i had sweet chilli sauce i had to eat mine like a sandwich because when I went to split my pita bread it broke. When we were working we were showing respect when the teacher was talking. when i ate mine it was spicy because of the sauce but it was delicious because i like spicy food.

Tuna and Chickpea Pita Pocket Sandwiches - Cooking Classy

Monday, 9 August 2021

200 hundred word challenge

Today in WGA we had to write a 200 hundred word challenge since it was snowing outside no one was concentrating on silent reading they were just looking outside to the snow.  

Today at school the day started fine. The weather was fine but until the end of period two I looked outside

and I saw light fluffy SNOW. It might not be that exciting for you but for me it was I hadn’t seen snow in tenyears. It is 2021 now and it was 2011 when it snowed last. My teacher let us run outside in the snow. We

weren’t out there for long but there were other classes out there. I looked outside and someone had gone

running for a ball and then someone pushed them and they slipped. It was funny when I saw it. All that I

thought was about how many people were gonna get sent home because if we get too wet we will get

sent home. I looked out again and I saw someone slide on their stomach underneath the rugby post.

I knew that he was definitely gonna get sent home. The only thing that I was hoping for was that it would

snow heaps and we would not have school tomorrow. So then I can have a hot chocolate in front of the

flames, nice and warm in my bed, sooooooooooo cozyyyyyyy.

 Christmas snow falling snowflakes on blue Vector Image

Thursday, 5 August 2021

do now week 2

did not get finish but we had to put three facts about the U-boat and this is what i found.

 U-boats were naval submarines operated by Germany

The Germans most formidable naval weapon was the U-boat

Thursday, 29 July 2021

energy transformation

 energy transformation is when energy is passed from one type to another. there eight diffrent types of energy there is...

kinetic energy - moving

chemical potential - energy from food/fuel

Heat energy - temperature giving energy

light energy - waves of light

gravitational energy - effect of gravity pushing down

elastic potential - Stretches to load up energy

electrical energy - anything using power

sound energy - waves that you can hear eg voices, vibrations

we made like a launcher we sent a marshmallow. we had a plastic cup, scissors, marshmallow and a balloon.

we had to cut the base of the cup out and then we had to put the balloon around the bottom of the cup then we put the marshmallow in the cup and launched the marshmallow.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

week one 100 word challenge

 kia ora today we had to do the one hundred challenge we did it about this frog that was holding its hands up in a heart shape. look down below to see.

There was a frog that never found true love. He would search for ages for years even and he would never find another frog mate. He Would try to do different things with different frogs like one time he went to a frog and he gave her all his food that he found all day. His name was Fred he had a best friend named Todd no one liked them they would say that they would act really weird when that talked to them but then he made a heart shape then he was done looking he was in love.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

ALL STARS policy

kia ora today I had to post my politic slides to my blog. We had been working on this for almost the whole term we all had to present our slides to our kahui we either could get our teacher to read our policy out to the kahui or we could read it ourselves. I read mine out loud but two of my group members didn't want to so they got our teacher Mr cairns to read it out loud but that is ok because it is scary saying your opinion in front of a lot of people. Here is what we had to read out. Please leave something that you think we could have done better or if you have any questions. :)  

Friday, 2 July 2021

summary blog post

kia ora today i am going to blog about a summary of what we have done this term.  we had to show evidence on what we have done in the term we go to work in a group i have been devoloping an app with Evan and Jackson the app design is saddly on evan's chrombook so i could not show you. 

Week nine Do now

 topic: it is important for high school students to learn about politics

Do you ever wonder about what happens in the outside world? Well we shouldn't because we need to learn about it at school. in my opinion we should let our tamariki know about what is happening out in the world. That is why i think that it is important for high school students to learn about politics

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Do now week 9

Topic: Public speaking is one of the most important life skills.

you have a school project that you have to write a speech then say it in front of the whole class. What are your first thoughts mine would be that i am going to be sick on that day or i don't want to talk what if i stutter oh well i won't do the work. Don't think how i did just then think about the other people in that position like the prime minister she speaks to thousands of people. in my opinion public speaking is one of an important life skill. although public speaking is on of my top fears i still try to push through my thoughts. What if you become famous then you will have to be good at public speaking for commercials and stuff like that. That is why public speaking is one of the most important life skills. 

Friday, 25 June 2021

matariki should be a public holiday week 8 do now

 There is one time that Maori culture is celebrated and it isn't a public holiday! Well now it is but before the government changed it matariki was just a story that had been told in school. The Maori people couldn't celebrate it because they would of had to work but no they can go out to see the stars of matariki have a hungi and then relax for the day. that is why matariki should be a public holiday 

Thursday, 24 June 2021

week 8 do now

topic: English is the most important subject to learn in school.

When you think of school you think of sitting in class looking at your English teacher thinking about what you are going to write. Well at least that is what I think. teachers will say that English is one of the most important subjects. trust me it is a good subject to know about but what about when you finish school like what do you want to do when you graduate. it really depends on what job you want to do like you want to be a writer then this will be important to you. or lets say you want to be a professional athlete then this subject will not be important to you. In my opinion it depends on what to want to do when you graduate.  

Friday, 11 June 2021

Week 6 do now

Topic: The age for voting should be 16 years old

Do you think that we should be able to vote at sixteen? Well I think that we should let people sixteen and above vote in the election. My reason about why we should be able to vote at sixteen is because by the time that people get to sixteen people would have matured by then so they would have been able to make a sensible vote. We already have the we can get our learners driving licence at sixteen why not have this as well. I think that when you are 16 years old you should have the right to vote.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Mother Teresa

kia ora today we had to blog the questions that we answered about here. please leave some feed back.

Mother Teresa Questions

1. When she was born, what name was she given? 

Mother Teresa was born on august the 26th of 1910. 
Mother teresa's birth name was agnes 

2. At what age did she join the Sisters of Loreto? 
 mother teresa joined the Sisters of Loreto at the age of 18 

3. Explain her calling from God. 
She was on a train and then she got the calling from god to help the homeless and the poor. 
4. a. Having won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, why did Mother Teresa turn down the prize winner’s banquet? 
requesting the money which would have been used to pay for such an expensive occasion. 

b. What does this say about her as a person? 
After everything that she has done she got to be a saint 

5. Write down two adjectives to describe Mother Teresa. 

 If I had to describe her in two words I would use Kind and caring 

6. Explain the Missionaries of Charity. 

 The missionary of charity helped and cared about the people that were Hungry homeless criple blind unwanted and unloved. 

7. When did she die? 

 She passed away on September 5th 1997 

 8. How do you think she will be remembered? 

 She will be remembered for caring for others, putting others first and many other amazing things she had done 

9. What do you believe was Mother Teresa’s purpose in life? 

To help the homeless, care for others and to become a nun

Mother Teresa to become saint amid criticism over miracles and missionaries  | Mother Teresa | The Guardian

Te whiti o Rongomai

kia ora a couple weeks ago we were doing our essay. We got to choose who to write about i chose to write about Te whiti o Rongomai. here is my essay please leave some feed back 

Te whiti o Rongomai

Who do you think is an important leader? Research shows that Te Whiti o Rongomai is one of the most important leaders this is what research shows. Even though people had come to his land to take it away from him Te whiti retaliated in a nonviolent way by cooperating with John Bryce he was the leader of the parihaka invasion. Well he thought that violence is not going to solve anything so he decided to cooperate with John Bryce. people may think what type of leader would let his people get hurt and taken away from their homes and put in jail. Despite that none of the tribal members wouldn’t fight.

after all of the nonsense no one died. However Te whiti sadly later on passed away on the 18 of November 1830. His tribal members have continued to observe monthly dusk to dusk Te Whitis days at Parihaka ever since.