
Friday, 25 September 2020


Today we had to get a script read to us and we had to draw pictures well miss Clark read a script to us the script is about bullies getting suspended and talking about what they did together before he got suspended and what they are going to do after the suspension is over. could not find the photo of the work that I did.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

market day recount

Yesterday hornby high had a market day. I was one of the people that could make a product my group did a game called football challenger. Where you had to try and score a goal with a goalie we made $25 on the day with a profit of $10 which is not that bad but compared to the other groups who made over $100 dollars it is low but we still made some money so we are happy with that. The money you make on the day does not matter it is the people that you make happy. which made us happy but believe me I would want more money but we were happy with what we got. It was good because we only had to spend $15 dollars on the lollies because we asked the P.E director if we could use a goal. We used a shoe box for the lollies that we used for the prize and the ball that we used was my own ball from home. I think next time we could see if we could get more into the middle instead of out he back where no one was and to promote our business even more.

Please comment some ideas about what I could do next time we have market day or what we could do better everything is appreciated. 

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

moral and theme

Hello today we had to do a dlo about fairy tale for characterization and e had to learn about theme and moral.

Monday, 21 September 2020


Hello for the past few weeks we had been doing business and enterprise what is business and enterprise you say well it is when we get into a group of four or less and in that group we have the CEO marketing manger production manager and finance manager. if you want to come to the market day it is a hornby high school this Wednesday everyone can attend.

The thing that i am doing is called football challenger you have to try and score a goal with a goalie the people in my group are TJ, Hassanin, me and jaedun you can have a go for only $2.00 for one turn. and if you score you can get some lollies.

I worked good in my group because I participated in everything that I could with my group.


Today we had to watch a video about the gingerbread man and then we had to answer some questions about it.

Who is the protagonist? The gingerbread man is the protagonist because he is the main character 

Who is the antagonist? everyone tat is chasing him because they all want to eat him

What type of character do you think the gingerbread man is and why do you think that? i think he is flat because he does not change in the story.

Give an example of direct characterization about the old lady and old man. they are both lonely  

Give an example of indirect characterization about the gingerbread man. the gingerbread man moved his legs as fast as he can

Come up with three ways you could describe him based on indirect characterization. he likes running he is fast a running he does not want to get caught

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Types of characters

Today we had to watch some videos about different types of characters. hope you like this please leave some feed back.

Protagonist is the good guy in the movie 

Antagonist is the bad guy so the guy that you not want to win like the joker

Narrator is the guy that tells us what is happening or what has happened

Flat character is someone in the background that you don’t know about

Dynamic character is a character that changes throughout the story

Static character is a character that does not change in the story

Round character is someone who develops something 

Rugby 7s tournament review

Today we had to write about what we were doing the past few days some people just went to school but me and a few others were out at a tournament for rugby 7s and more people were out doing a tournament for other sports. like football, hockey an volley ball but I competed in rugby 7s.

So for the last two days I was out at a rugby 7s tournament out at nunweek park there were seven schools at the tournament. We won only one game out of nine games. The bad thing of the tournament was how long the games were they were only 14 minute games and 7 minute half's. What I enjoyed was the the teacher that came with us was not strict and was positive even when we lost she did not care the only thing that she cared about was that we were having fun and that we were all being positive. 

So that was what I did in the last few days what did you do in the past few days?  

Rugby Sevens - Learn the Game! - YouTube

Thursday, 10 September 2020

health crisis

Today we had to make a dlo about a health crisis i chose bowel cancer her in my dlo please leave some feed back

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

ww1 memorials

Today we had to listen or read a story about war memorials and now we have to answer two questions. hope you like them please leave some feedback.

list 2 reasons that war memorials were built:

1. the memorials were built because when the soldiers died they were buried over seas 

2. the family an Friends of the people that died wanted to have a place where they can go to remember them.

list 3 features of the memorials:

1. some of the memorials had just a concrete design and had there name carved into it.

2. some memorials were a shape of people.

3. some are arches that would lead into somewhere and had there names on it.

NZ protests

Today we had to make a dlo about protests and we found out that one of our old science teachers was the head of hart. Here is my DLO. Hope you enjoy.


Today in science we used solar ovens that we mad to make some smores. i made the oven out of tin foil and cardboard. the tinfoil reflected the sun. 

 Store - Solar Cooking

Tuesday, 1 September 2020


Today we had to write a letter that we would write to our family if we were in the war and then we had to answer some questions here is my work hope you like it.