On monday we did beanch ball the people that couched us were Jesse, meleana, nathen, hans, nevaeh, Danielle and cody. The warm up that we did were running from one side to the other side 10 times then we did 40 star jumps and 20 high knees. and the drill that we did was sneak up on granny. The game in genral was fun because we got to verse the yr 8s but before we vsed the yr 8s it was yr 7 bh vs 7 tz tz won in that game. and the yr 8s played at the same time it was 8 bh vs 8 tz 8 bh won that game. then we played yr 7 vs yr 8 the yr 8s won. In P.E maths I learnt how to do perimeters. i felt that the tarsks were really hard for my group. The strategy that i used was timetables and adding. I demostrated this working successfully with others by if i see that they are not getting the ball much and passed it to them.

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