today we had to do a to do a sheet here is a summery of it hope you like it
The first European in aotearoa was Abel Tasmen. The year that arrive was in 1642. He named the land nova zealandia. The next explorer was James Cook. The year that he arruved was 1769. The name of the cheif navigator helping the explorers his name is Tupaia. The musket is a gun that shots gun powder.

The first European in aotearoa was Abel Tasmen. The year that arrive was in 1642. He named the land nova zealandia. The next explorer was James Cook. The year that he arruved was 1769. The name of the cheif navigator helping the explorers his name is Tupaia. The musket is a gun that shots gun powder.
Ka pai Ashton. You have listed some good facts about the early days in Aotearoa. I like the way that you have put your information into sentences. You need capital letters for Aotearoa and Nova Zealandia. There is also a spelling error in arrived. Keep checking your work before you blog so that you present your best work.