
Thursday, 24 October 2019

P.E my game review

So we need to go back to term 3 when me and my team coached Tchoukball. How successful was your sport? My sport was not successful because nobody listened to us. What was your role and how did you contribute to your team? My role was to do a drill with them. Tell us two things that you learnt? I learnt that it is really hard to play. It is hard to play because when someone hits it at the net it is hard to catch it to get a point. And that I need to tell the people that are mucking around to stop and focus.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Day 1 kapa haka

So today period 2 me and a couple of other people went to kapa haka for the first time.
At first it was scary because I thought people would say "Ashton go back to class" but instead they just
stuck with talking to their friends when we went in, we started with a Kara Kia. Then we started with a
warm up song which I knew. Then we went and did a song that i did not know but we went into groups
to learn it we started really shy because we did not know each other. But when we did not look at each
other we were fine. but we got stuck on one of the lines then the teacher came to help us and by the
end we still mumbled for a bit but we got a little bit better but still did not get there. I like it there
because no one makes fun of you and i can sing and when i keep on doing this i think i will be a better
singer.If I rate kapa haka out of 10 it would be an 8 because i want to know the different songs that
they have learnt. And i will be going there next week.   

Monday, 21 October 2019

The twits

today i have to blog about what i have read in the twits book. So here i go.
in the first chapter it talks about people with beards and that it is harder to wash them then it is with our face. then they talk about Mr twits beard he hasn't cleaned it in years . If you look closley youy can see little bits of leftover food. he doesn't keep the big bits of food he wipes that with the back of hit hand or his sleeve. and if you look at his mustache you can see some green cheese a rotten corn flake and other stuff. 

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

lion facts

Today we had to pick different blog tasks and I choose to research about an animal and the animal that I choose was a lion here are some facts about them. The teachers choose this task on for the different activity's because last term we went to Orana park.