
Thursday, 25 July 2019


Today in art we ad to write a story about our project. here it is. please if you have some feedback please leave a comment.
At the start of lunch in the school cafe there was a boy named Ashton. He went to the cash register. Ashton looked around and saw a juicy. Straight away he knew that he needed that. He was sure that his mum gave him money. He asked for a juicy. When he went to go and get a juicy he said “OH NO!”

 He did not have enough money to pay for it and went to go. He thought he had enough money but he did not. Ashton was feeling sad because he did not have enough to buy it. Vin from the other line next to him said to the employee” make that two.”

The employee gave him two and Vin ran to Ashton and gave him the juice. It made a chain and when Jullien needed help Ashton helped him. Then when Zack needed help Jullien helped him. 
Then they all said ”Lets be friends”.Image result for juicy ice blockImage result for friends clipartImage result for kindness clipart


In maths today we had to work on problem solving this is how we got on.  
what was the activity? The activity was word problems
what strategy did your group try? my group tried place value.
What did you find challenging? what I felt challenging was us not know what the other number was.
how well did you group work together? we worked good since we are all friends.
Were you successful? we were successful in one way by working together. Even though we did not get the answer.
Image result for problem solving

Tuesday, 23 July 2019


Today in science we learned more about the world these are some definitions on what we leart.



The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 

Other comments: 

1.Bag 1 cycled water. 

2.Bag 1 had a small amount of water cycle.

3.Bag 1 had no Acidity. 

4.Bag 2 cycled water. 

5.Bag 2 had a small amount of water that cycled. 

6.Bag 2 had a large amount of Acidity. 

7.Bag 3 cycled water. 

8.Bag 3 had a small amount of water. 

9.Bag 3 had no acidity.


Bag one had a successful cycle it only had water in it and the water was not acidic at all.

Bag two had a successful cycle it had a small amount of water in it and was quite acidic.

Bag three had a successful cycle this one had no acidic but instead it had sand but it had two drops of water.

Monday, 22 July 2019

The past in art

Today in art we did more on our project and I did the panting for our stop motion. The members in my group is Ashton,Zack,Vin,Jullien. I panted our background. Our background is the cafe at our school.